

Websites - Tips & Tricks

May 10, 2013

How CloudFlare Can Improve Your Website Speed Internationally

CloudFlare is a service that confronts several problems that a website may encounter on a daily basis such as:

1. Slow speed
2. Security issues
3. Search engine crawlers and threats
4. Wide range of online threats

CloudFlare is suitable for all kinds of dynamic websites to improve their quality. So if you are wondering how CloudFlare can improve your website speed internationally, it would be comforting to know that a large percentage of the total Internet users pass through CloudFlare on a daily basis to safeguard their property on their websites.

This service benefits your website speed in the following ways:

1. The pages load much quicker and more efficiently
2. The content of the website is optimized across the wide arena of the Internet
3. Broad security protection

Security is an important issue with a lot of websites that are constantly hit with spam and other nasty bots. What CloudFlare does is it serves as the middle tier that collects the information and protects your website or even your blog safe from these threats. In the event that there is a doubt whether it is a threat or not, CloudFlare challenges them with a CAPTCHA system.

How does CloudFlare improve the load time of the website:

1. It stores static contents (images, CSS) on their data centers worldwide
2. It serves a website visitor these images from a server closest to them
3. Data travel is instantly made shorter

In the event that your server is down, you need not worry since CloudFlare offers the cached pages to the online visitor which gives the website owners time to figure out and fix the problem.

One of the most inviting facts of the CloudFlare service is that it is FREE. You are offered excellent services completely free. Even though they do have a Pro version available, the FREE version offers you everything that you might need to optimize the performance of your blog or website.

Swish Connect is a leading Web Hosting provider with a range of services including Domain Names, Web Hosting plans, Business Web HostingReseller Web Hosting, VPS Plans and Dedicated Servers.

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