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cloud hosting
Jun 4, 2013

Is the Cloud a Safe Place for Our Business Data?

As we progress into the 21st century, businesses are increasingly shifting to storing their data to cloud applications. A major concern with this practice is whether or not the cloud is a safe place to store business data.

However, cloud applications actually use some of the strictest security measures in protecting their servers, so there should be no reason to worry about your data being hacked, stolen or destroyed.

To begin with, for cloud providers their reputation is extremely important – their revenue is directly tired to their reputation as security experts – so they do everything possible to ensure safety and security of their systems. They continually test their code to ensure it is effective because a successful attack on their servers could mean losing many clients and cause them to go out of business. Cloud applications invest in the best personnel to continually update and protect their data. The specialists who work for cloud applications are much more knowledgeable and experienced than merely appointing regular staff members to a minor department in your company.

Another reason to consider cloud applications is the application itself. The data on cloud servers is encrypted by elaborate and secure systems using many safeguards and passwords. Nevertheless, the setup could still be customized to your personal preference. Should you ever lose cloud access somewhere, you could always log in from another place and adjust your settings. Contrast this with losing an optical drive or a laptop, once that is lost and compromised, there is no way for you to reset the security on those items. Your data is actually more vulnerable if you carry it with you compared to entrusting it to a cloud application.

Finally, cloud applications are becoming popular because they are continually improved and enhanced to suit your needs. Development in this field of data storage is growing and the strong security offered should give you the peace of mind in using this system. Overall, cloud systems are a safe place to store all your data, and you can use it with confidence to improve the effectiveness of your business.

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